No Barriers to Entry
published 1/30/2023 by MM Ryan
In ancient times, people relied on word of mouth to pass on stories and keep memories alive. The first storytellers didn’t have writing instruments or paper; they only had their voices and memories. They used art, dance, and music to pass stories to later generations.

Until the printing press was invented around 1450, access to writing instruments and paper was limited to monks, the rich, and the educated.

Once the typewriter was invented in the late 1800s, the discipline of creative writing became widely recognized and accessible. The first creative writing class was taught at Harvard in 1880, and the subject has exploded since.

Today we have computers and various ways to record our stories and capture our thoughts, memories, and histories. We have multiple ways to help us get our stories out.

It’s our time, and the possibilities are limitless!! Let's Write. 😀😄