New Release: Sweet Bitter Better
a Novel By MM Ryan
Available now on Amazon!! Sweet Bitter Better
I’m excited to release my first new project in three years! Sweet, Bitter, Better is a novel about change, transformation and enjoying the life that we know God has for us even when we can’t see it.
My main character, Marjorie Prince, has led a safe, sensible, and practical life. She’s been a responsible and disciplined single parent while raising her three kids to adulthood.
Now she’s reaping the sweet fruit of her sacrifice with great relationships with her adult children. Her son Caleb and twin daughters Charelle and Charisse are stable but still need her guidance and help occasionally. She has much to be proud of.
However, she’s left asking the question:
What’s next for me??
The idea of staying the course in her current job until the expected retirement age, then to fade into oblivion, makes her sick. The prospect of doing anything else and stepping into the unknown without a safety net petrifies her.
She has a bitter choice--she must do one or the other.
Sweet describes Marjorie’s four grandchildren, her financial acumen, and her investment portfolio. It also describes her relationship with her adult kids, her best friend Debbie, and most importantly, the Lord. To those whom she helps using her money management expertise, she’s sweetness personified.
Bitter is her relationship with her mother, Eunice. Eunice fiercely defends and advocates for her son, James, a substance abuser who has manipulated her for years. She demands that Marjorie support them both without question until ‘James is stable again’. Marjorie resents being seen as a fountain of money for her brother to squander. Eunice derides her as stingy, judgmental, and self-righteous. This conflict has poisoned their relationship with no resolution in sight.
Walk with Marjorie Prince down the path from pillar of her family to a flourishing community leader, pursuing her passions, and spreading her wings. In the process, God reveals that He’s fighting with her when she's weak, misunderstood, used, and taken for granted. He’s got the answers, but she must conquer the faith test.