7 Things You Need and 5 You Don’t to Start Your Writing Journey
Published by MM Ryan 5/23/2023
When I first received the inspiration to start writing, I found a pen and paper and started immediately, assuming that willingness and enthusiasm would be all I’d need to propel my project. My first two paragraphs were so dismal they discouraged me stopped me in my tracks!!

I determined I wouldn’t try again until I’d ‘learned how’ to write. I purchased books—good books—that I had no time to read. This stopped my progress for FIVE YEARS!!
Once I had the time to read those books that I’d been staring at, what did I learn? That you get better at writing by writing-duh!! I started again and haven’t quit since.
The writing industry has changed from when I started. Many of the resources available back then that I had no time to consult are now conveniently online and free.
The basics needed to get started, however, haven’t changed, and in the world of aggressive marketing, we must be careful of being sold unnecessary items, especially at your beginning stages.
It can be tempting to purchase that ‘thing’ that will make writing easy, perfect, and instantly marketable. That ‘thing’, however doesn’t exist. There are no shortcuts.

What you purchase to help, could end up being a huge waste and distraction from your progress. Below are the items that are essential:
1. Writing tools: A computer or a notebook and pen/pencil to write your ideas and stories.
2. Passion and dedication: A strong desire to write and a commitment to honing your skills.
3. Reading material: A wide range of books and other written works to expand your knowledge and expose yourself to different writing styles and genres.
4. Basic writing skills: A grasp of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
5. Writing time: Allocate dedicated time for writing regularly and stick to a writing routine.
6. Persistence: The ability to handle rejections and setbacks and keep writing despite obstacles.
7. Curiosity: A desire to learn and explore new ideas, topics, and perspectives.

Below is a list of the unnecessary items, that won’t contribute to your writing success.
1. Fancy stationery, writing instruments or an expensive new computer.
2. Expensive writing software: Basic word processing software like Microsoft Word or even free alternatives like Google Docs can serve the purpose.
3. Excessive reference books: You can rely on online resources, libraries or borrow books as needed.
4. Elaborate productivity tools: While productivity tools and apps can be beneficial, they can also become distractions.
5. Expensive writing retreats or workshops: While these can be great experiences for networking and skill enhancement, they are not essential for starting your writing journey. You can begin by exploring free or more affordable options, such as local writing groups or online courses.
Remember, the most crucial aspect of being a writer is your passion, dedication, and commitment to improving your craft. With these essentials and a willingness to learn, you can embark on your writing journey.
Having a writing community, a partner, or a writing coach to help you along, while not essential, can be beneficial in your long and sometimes solitary writing journey.
I’m here to help! Contact me for a free consultation if you need help getting back on track!