4 Ways to Celebrate Your Writing Wins!!
Published 6/21/2023 By MM Ryan
So you’ve struggled with your schedule for weeks, months, maybe years, and it hasn’t been pretty or perfect, but you’ve written something. Some of what you’ve composed is good, some brilliant, but most is just here—the proof of your commitment and belief in yourself. The seeds that will produce your masterpiece, eventually.
At this point, it’s easy to compare where you are with where you want to be, and become discouraged. You’ve worked so hard!

What’s worse is you don’t know how long it will take you to get to your destination. Each day is a challenge, and words and the time to write them is hard to come by. The best you can manage is to string a few good writing days together. It's essential to acknowledge and honor your achievements along the way.

Here are four ways you can celebrate your progress as a new writer.
1) Share your work: Take some of what you’ve done and craft it into a smaller completed project and share it. You can do readings on social media, in person on open mic nights, or publish it on a blog.
2) Treat yourself: Reward yourself for your hard work. Buy yourself something new, indulge in a favorite treat, or take yourself out for a nice meal.
3) Reflect on personal growth: Celebrate not just the progress in your writing skills but also the personal growth that came with it.
4) Set new goals: Is it time to shake up your writing routine and take the next step in your journey? Submitting to publications or exploring different writing styles might be a good way to start this next phase.
Remember each step forward, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Enjoy the process, be kind to yourself, and find joy in your growth as a writer!!