10 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Publishing Route
Published by: MM Ryan 9/27/2023
YAY!! 🙌🏽 🙌🏽 Your manuscript has been edited and polished-- you love what you've created and can't wait to share it with the world. What is your next step?
This depends upon the answer to these ten questions:
1. Goals and Objectives:
• Audience Reach: Who is your target audience, and which publishing route will best reach them?
• Visibility: How important is it for the work to gain widespread recognition and visibility?
• Career Impact: How will the chosen route affect your professional development and reputation?
2. Type of Work:
• Genre: Different publishing routes may be more suitable for different genres.
• Length: The length of the work may determine whether it is more suited to traditional publishing, self-publishing, or serialization.
3. Creative Control:
• Editorial Control: How much creative and editorial control do you want to retain over your work?
• Design and Layout: Do you want to have a say in the design, layout, and cover art of the book?

4. Financial Considerations:
• Budget: How much are you willing to invest in the process?
• Royalties: What are the expected royalties and how do they compare between different publishing routes?
• Sales and Distribution: How will you price, market, and distribute your book?

5. Time and Effort:
• Timeline: How quickly do you want to publish the work? Securing an agent and a traditional publishing deal can take years.
• Effort: How much time and effort are you willing to invest in the publishing process, including marketing and promotion?
6. Quality and Credibility:
• Professional Editing: Do you value professional editing and proofreading services?
• Reputation: How important is it for you to be associated with an established publisher?
7. Rights Management:
• Intellectual Property: Do you want to retain the rights to the work?
• Subsidiary Rights: How do you want to manage rights for translations, adaptations, and other derivative works?
8. Market Trends:
• Industry Trends: What’s hot in the publishing industry for your genre?
• Competitor Analysis: What publishing routes have works similar to yours taken, and how successful have they been?
9. Feedback and Revisions:
• Peer Review: Do you value feedback and revisions based on peer reviews and editorial input?
• Reader Engagement: How important is engagement with readers and their feedback to you?
10. Personal Satisfaction:
• Fulfillment: Which publishing route will make you happy and give a sense of accomplishment?
• Passion Project: If the work is more of a passion project, you may have different considerations.
By weighing these factors, you'll make an informed decision on the publishing route that aligns best with your goals, preferences, and the nature of your work.
Whether it's traditional publishing, self-publishing, or a hybrid approach, it’s crucial that you do the research and consider the purpose you envision for your work.